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Advertise with Us

Advertise with Us - Nangmak MediaAdvertise with Us

Nangmak Media is an online weblog that majorly specializes in technology news, phone, and gadget reviews, and specifications. We also offer educational insights, jobs, tips, and how-to guides. It is a good thing to advertise with us.

We’re giving you a platform through which you can pitch your: – 

  • Brand
  • Business
  • Website
  • Product
  • Smartphone
  • Any other gadgets to the possible clients.

We provide a great platform that reaches thousands of online readers. Advertise with us and build more clients for your business. With love () we invite you to try us.

Why Advertise with Us?

The above is a good question and that’s why we’ve an exclusive answer for you. Below are the reasons why you should consider us.

  • We’re available 24/7/365. Your ad will be seen the entire period.
  • We’re flexible and affordable
  • We’ve custom plans for advertising. We can tailor our prices to fit your specific needs.
  • We receive over 5,000 unique views daily and closer to 100k+ page views. Our social media pages give us closer to 6k followers base, those are possible clients. 
  • We serve all ad types as you will see in the section below.


As experts in offering smooth advertising plans and forms, we support all types, be it swf, PNG, JPG, gif, articles, etc.

To make our service efficient, we offer advertising through the following ways. Below are the banner types and advertising mechanisms we employ.

  • Sponsored Posts
  • Products Reviews
  • Rich Media Banners
  • Commission on revenue
  • Link Advertising
  • Social Media Advertising


We offer relatively affordable and flexible advertising rates as you will know. We have a couple of ad or banner types all cost differently depending on the location on our website. Below are the locations and pricing.

Location Price
Header (after logo) $150 per month
Sidebar (right sidebar + any size) $150 per month
Below Post Heading (Any size) $200 per month
Below Post Content $100 per month
Footer Banner (Above Footer Content $50 per month


If you need a customized plan or anything else, you can hit our inbox we negotiate on the price and service. 


To get ad space on Nangmak Media you can get to us through the form below or use our contact page. You can also directly email us at our personal email address ben[at]nangmak.com for a customized service.

You will need to send us your banner images to be displayed on our website through the above email.

Banners will only be visible once payment is made through the payment gateways as agreed. We accept PayPal, Bank Transfers, Mobile Money, and more.

Ask our experts and get reliable pricing for your products.

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