Home Education Colleges & Universities Bandari Maritime Academy Courses and Fee Structure

Bandari Maritime Academy Courses and Fee Structure

Bandari Maritime Academy Courses

Bandari Maritime Academy was the Bandari College before being changed to the Academy. The institution offers TVET courses and maritime training courses in the coastal town of Mombasa. The institution offers courses that include admissions by the Kenya Universities and Colleges Central Placement System (KUCCPS). In this article, you should be able to know the Bandari Maritime Academy Courses and how to apply.

Bandari Maritime Academy is located in Mombasa County and was established by the Kenya Ports Authority (KPA). Below share a list of courses offered at the institution and also you will learn how to apply for placement.

Bandari Maritime Academy Courses

Bandari Maritime Academy Courses

In case you wish to pursue a career in the maritime environment, then below are courses you should consider offered at Bandari Maritime Academy.

  1. Diploma in Marine Engineering
  2. Diploma in Nautical Studies
  3. Craft Certificate in Nautical Studies
  4. Diploma in Maritime Transport Logistics
  5. Foundation Diploma in Shipping
  6. Craft Certificate in Marine Engineering
  7. Craft Certificate in Marine Transport Logistics
  8. Certificate in Forklift and Empty Container Handler
  9. Certificate in Terminal Tractor
  10. Certificate in Toploader/Reachstarker

Other Courses

Among the above courses, Bandari Maritime Academy also offers the following short courses as well.

  1. Electrical Installation Grade III
  2. Standard of Training Certificate & Watchkeeping (STCW) Mandatory Course
  3. Coxswain Level III
  4. Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Grade III
  5. Welding and Metal Fabrication Grade III

How to Apply to Bandari Maritime Academy (BMA)

Anyone wishing to study at BMA has to apply to the institution for placement. Below we outline the procedure one should follow to apply for consideration of placement.

  • One can apply using the Kenya Universities and Colleges Central Placement System to be placed at the institution with government capitation for the program of choice.
  • Secondly, one can visit the college website (https://bma.ac.ke) and download the application form. Fill out the form and submit it to the institution for consideration.

In case you need to contact the institution, you can find the Bandari Maritime Academy contact details, location, and phone numbers here.

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