Home Education Courses Bukura Agricultural College Diploma Courses

Bukura Agricultural College Diploma Courses

Bukura Agricultural College Diploma Courses

Bukura Agricultural College grew from the former Bukura Institute in 1974 under the Ministry of Agriculture with the mandate of offering certificate courses in Agriculture. In 1992, the Institute’s status was upgraded from awarding certificate courses to awarding Diploma courses. The institution is one of the colleges in Kakamega County and has existed for a while now. This article outlines the diploma courses at the Bukura Agricultural College. The list of the Bukura Agricultural College Diploma Courses will be listed below.

The Bukura College does not offer training in Diploma courses alone. It also trains students who have not managed to attain the minimum qualifications for a diploma. They can also do the certificate courses at Bukura Agricultura College. We will also share the BAC Certificate courses and so much more. The institution offers training in 17 BAC diploma courses as you will see in this article.

Bukura Agricultural College Diploma Courses

Some of the BAC Diploma courses that are offered include Diploma in Technical Trainer Education only courses known to be done at the Kenya School of TVET formerly KTTC. Below are the diploma courses one can pursue at Bukura Agricultural College. For certificate courses, another article is coming up.

  1. Diploma in Agricultural Extension & Community Development
  2. Diploma in Agribusiness Management & Marketing
  3. Diploma in Agricultural Education & Extension
  4. Diploma in Agriculture, Human Ecology & Consumer Science
  5. Diploma in Agriculture and Human Ecology Extension
  6. Diploma in Agriculture & Biotechnology
  7. Diploma in Agricultural Irrigation Drainage & Engineering
  8. Diploma in Animal Health and Production
  9. Diploma in Animal Production & Health Management
  10. Diploma in Fashion Design
  11. Diploma in Information and Communication Technology
  12. Diploma in Secondary Teacher Education
  13. Diploma in Technical Instructor Education
  14. Diploma in Technical Trainer Education
  15. Diploma in Farm Business Management
  16. Diploma in Food and Beverage Production
  17. Diploma in Horticulture

How to Apply for Admission to Bukura Agricultural College

Application for admission to BAC online through the Bukura Agricultural College online admission portal – https://admissions.bukuracollege.ac.ke/. An individual should create a profile, attach required certifications, and pay Kshs. 500 which is the application fee.

Additionally, you can also get details about some job vacancies at Bukura College

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