Home Tutorials Co-op Bank Paybill Number: How to Deposit to Coop Account

Co-op Bank Paybill Number: How to Deposit to Coop Account

Co-op Bank Paybill Number 400200

Co-operative Bank of Kenya just like any other Bank has a paybill number to aid in handling mobile payments. There’s also the Mco-op Cash for transacting the money to mobile money or even transacting through bank operations. You will learn the Co-op Bank paybill number 400200 and how to deposit to a Co-op Bank Account using M-PESA from the comfort of your home.

The Co-op Bank paybill number solves several issues and logistics that can be done only at the bank branch. A solution to wireless banking and an opportunity to bank from anywhere regardless of your proximity to the branch. As long as your M-PESA account is loaded, you only need the Cooperative Bank paybill number 400200.

How to Deposit Money to Co-op Bank Account using Co-op Bank Paybill Number

To get started with depositing money to your coop bank account, you need the following details or information to be able to do the deposit: –

  • Co-op Bank Account (not a MUST that it should be your account, it can be anyone’s account as long as it is a Co-operative Bank account number)
  • A loaded M-PESA account (have a Safaricom SIM card loaded with the amount you wish to deposit)
  • The Co-op Bank Paybill Number 400200

The Procedure (How to Deposit to Co-op Bank Account)

To make the deposit from M-PESA to the Co-operative Bank account, follow the following steps to be able to make the deposit successfully.

  • Open the M-PESA menu on your handset, you can use the M-PESA app or *334#
  • Go to Lipa Na M-PESA
  • Select the Paybill option
  • Enter Co-op Bank Business Number 400200
  • Under Account number: Enter the Co-op Bank account you wish to deposit to
  • Enter the amount you want to deposit
  • Enter the M-Pesa PIN and confirm the transaction
  • You will receive a confirmation SMS from Mpesa immediately
  • You will then receive a confirmation SMS with the details of the deposit from Co-operative Bank

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