Home Informations & Contacts Documents required to update dependant details on MINET

Documents required to update dependant details on MINET

MINET Documents

Do you have dependants who are listed on your MINET medical scheme? Occasionally, AON requires teachers to submit documents regarding dependants to confirm if they are up to date. Those who lack documents are suspended from the service and will not access medical treatment under the medical scheme. But what do you know about these documents? In this article, we share the documents required to update dependants details on the MINET medical scheme.

Like for instance if your child is a student but they have reached the age of 18 years, you need something to prove the same. For married couples, you have to demonstrate or show the medical scheme that you people are married and that can only be done using documents.

For children under 18 years, they MUST have a birth certificate at some point as that’s issued for every child but needs to be applied by the parents. Those who are very young, they can use the birth notification document that is issued and readily available at the hospitals. For new dependants you will need to add them before uploading documents onto the portal as the documents are not uploaded in lump sum. Documents are uploaded to MINET on the specific dependant.

Documents for Children Under 18 Years

To enroll and have the dependants who are under the age of 18 years validated, there are documents for them. You need to have the birth certificate for those who already have one. Children who are under the age of 6 months and have no birth certificate can have their parents use their birth notifications.

Adopted children under the age of 18 years also can be enrolled in MINET but you will need documents to prove the same. You need adoption documents and that means the birth certificate reads someone else other than the contributor.

MINET Documents for Children over 18 Years of Age and Schooling

MINET does not allow children above 18 years unless there’s proof that they are still studying. For such cases the contributor needs to upload the following documents:-

  • Birth Certificate
  • Proof of Schooling (School ID or Letter from the School confirming they are still studying)

Documents uploaded to MINET for Spouse

For couples, the medical scheme allows them to have 1 husband or wife. To add the dependant use the normal *865# and add the dependant. Thereafter documents are uploaded using the MINET documents Portal to have them validated and become active. The documents for spouse on MINET include: –

  • ID card (scanned)
  • Proof of Marriage (Marriage Certificate or Marriage Affidavit)

Once documents are uploaded onto MINET they are not automatically verified. They have to be manually reviewed and a decision made within 48 hours. Either to suspend them or to validate them and hence their status turning to active.

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