Home Education Admission Letters Download Co-operative University of Kenya Admission Letters

Download Co-operative University of Kenya Admission Letters

Co-operative University of Kenya Admission Letters

The Co-operative University of Kenya is a public university located in the capital of Kenya, Nairobi. The university was chartered as a fully fledged university and since has been admitted students from KUCCPS and also self sponsored students. The university has a student portal that adds up as an admission portal for new applications as well an admission portal for downloading admission forms. The Co-operative University of Kenya Admission Letters are now available on the admission portal and this article will provide a fully step by step guide on how to download the CUK admission letters. The download can be done on phone or PC.

The Co-operative University of Kenya Diploma Courses are also available and can be learned. The university also offers degree courses, certificate courses and so much more as well. The Co-operative University of Kenya allows students from all walks of life to join the institution to pursue courses of their choice.

The Co-operative University of Kenya has 3 intakes across the year. The intakes include January, May, and September intake. The admission letters for this season are for September intake students. The majority of the September intake students are those placed by the Kenya Universities and Colleges Central Placement Services (KUCCPS).

How to Download Co-operative University of Kenya Admission Letters

To download the Co-operative University of Kenya admission letters for 2024/2025, kindly follow the procedure outlined on this website. You need to have the KCSE index number or registration number to download these letters. Additionally, a strong internet connection is also important. The procedure is as outlined below: –

  • Open your Browse and open the Co-operative University of Kenya website through this link – https://cuk.ac.ke/
  • On the website, click on the menu item Admissions to go to the Admission Portals
  • On the Admission Portals portal at the top locate the menu item Admission Letters and click on it. You can also access the CUK admission letters here. Co-operative University of Kenya Admission Letters
  • Wait for the admission portal to load and select the academic level i.e. Certificate/Diploma/Degree/Masters etc
  • Under Identity Number select Index Number for new students or select Registration Number if you already have the admission number. Proceed to enter the KCSE index number followed by slash (/) and year of examination and click on Check Status
  • Download the Co-operative University of Kenya Admission Letters through the link provided.

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