Home Education Student Portal How to access the Garissa University Student Portal

How to access the Garissa University Student Portal

How to access the Garissa University Student Portal

A student portal is a management system that is designed to simplify the processes involved from reporting, finance, clearance, exams etc. all institutions of higher learning (universities) have a student portal and if one lacks then it is not serious. A student portal allows students to login and access information easily that would have required them to queue up for long hours due to the population of students. In this article, we look at the Garissa University Student Portal and one can access the student portal.

The Garissa University Student Portal allows students to not only monitor their academic progress, it also allows them to do online reporting. When students join an institution they are supposed to Register for reporting online which would otherwise be hectic with a lot of paper work. This university too has played that.

When it comes to administering examinations, students need a pass to be able to do the exams. This pass is called an exam card which is printed from the Garissa University Student Portal as well. Students can also book hostels online using the Garissa University (GU) students portal.

Requirements to access the Garissa University Student Portal

In order to access the GU student Portal, you need the following: –

  • Be admitted and a student at the Garissa University
  • Have set up and registered on the student portal link
  • Have an active internet connection
  • Be in possession of a student portal password assigned during registration at times same as the registration number
  • Student Registration Number

How to access the Garissa University Student Portal

This is the procedure that will allow you to visit and be able to access the Garissa Student Portal. The procedure is easy and can be done either on a smartphone or PC. Check out the procedure below.

  • Open your Browser on Phone or PC
  • In the URL bar search Garissa University or simply click on the university link https://gau.ac.ke and wait to load.
  • Once fully loaded at the top menu you can notice the link Student Portal or under the main menu click on Portals and click on the menu item Student Portal just above the staff Portal. If that takes longer, just click on https://students.gau.ac.ke:85/
  • The above step takes you to the light page on the student portal. Enter the registration number or admission number and also key in the password that you set.
  • If you don’t remember the password, click on Forgot Password and follow the prompts sent to your email
  • Once you’ve entered the registration number and password click on Login
  • If the password is correct, the next page that loads display the student portal Dashboard where you can use the menu on the left to perform any other task that you need.

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