Home News How to reverse Safaricom Airtime Bought via M-PESA

How to reverse Safaricom Airtime Bought via M-PESA

Reverse Safaricom Airtime bought via M-PESA

Occasionally we buy airtime instead of withdrawing money from M-PESA or while sending money to loved ones. Initially, it was a big issue converting the airtime bought mistakenly to cash apart from selling to people. Sometimes it is impossible to sell airtime worth Kshs. 10,000. Thanks to Safaricom’s Hakikisha, you can now reverse the transaction. In this article, you will learn how to reverse Airtime bought via M-PESA.

To note however, always be sure of the transaction you’re handling so that you don’t have unnecessary airtime or pay bills that do not exist. Note that you can only reverse airtime bought via M-PESA or money sent to individuals. Money paid to businesses and paybill numbers can only be reversed by the business/organization receiving the payment.

How to reverse Safaricom Airtime Bought via M-PESA

To reverse airtime bought using M-PESA to cash, use the following procedure to do that. The steps are outlined below: –

  • Once you buy airtime from M-PESA mistakenly, do not use the airtime that you just bought. And if you had an okoa jahazi that was deducted make sure the available airtime is worth the amount you used. For example, if you bought Kshs. 1000 airtime, before the reversal, make sure your Airtime balance is Kshs. 1000.
  • To reverse, Forward the M-PESA message to 456 to have the airtime reversed back to M-PESA cash within 5 minutes. The earlier you do the reversal the better to have your cash transfered back to you.

The same procedure works when reversing money sent to a wrongful individual. You will need to forward the M-PESA transaction message to 456 and there are no charges at all. But if the money has been utilized Safaricom will follow up but won’t be reversed.

Note: To avoid all this Safaricom introduced Hakikisha, to help you confirm the transaction amount and also the name of the recipient when sending cash to individuals. Be keen to always avoid such rushes.

You can also check out Safaricom Charges and Home Fibre Packages.

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