Home Tutorials Kibabii University Hostel Booking Procedure & Deadline

Kibabii University Hostel Booking Procedure & Deadline

Kibabii University Hostel Booking

Kibabii University located in Bungoma is one of the universities located in Bungoma. The institution being listed among public universities under KUCCPS received self-sponsored applications as well as government-sponsored students. The university also allows students to book hostels online. Therefore it is normal for new students especially those joining the institution to be allowed to book a hostel prior to reporting. The university has opened the Kibabii University Hostel Booking and set a deadline for new students. This will allow students to access the Kibabii University Hall of Residence with quadruple occupance.

The Kibabii University students usually make hostel bookings through the Kibabii University Student portal. The portal offers other services as you will discover in this article. However, our main purpose here is to know how to book hostels at Kibabii University online. The procedure can be done on a phone, PC, or even at the cyber if you do not have access to a smartphone.

Requirements to Book Kibabii University Hostel Online

The students who can do the booking MUST certify and have the following with them. This will allow you to do the hostel booking.

  • Be a student of Kibabii University
  • Have access to Kibabii University student portal
  • Have a smartphone, PC/Laptop or visit the cybercafe
  • Have the password to KIBU Student Portal usually the admission number
  • Internet Access

How to Book Kibabii University Hostels Online

  • Open your Browser and in the URL bar, type in the Kibabii University website. Occasionally, you can directly visit the Kibabii University Student Portal using this link.
  • Once loaded, enter the Registration/Admission Number and repeat the same as the password, and click on Login KIBU Student Portal Login
  • The portal dashboard is then displayed. On the left menu, click on Admissions and click on the Hostel Booking sub-menu to book the hostels KIBABII UNIVERSITY Booking Hostels
  • Select the Hostel you wish to book i.e. for girls and boys and click on Book in front of the room you desire. Hostels Kibabii University

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