Home Education Colleges & Universities Kisumu National Polytechnic Contacts, Address and Phones

Kisumu National Polytechnic Contacts, Address and Phones

Kisumu National Polytechnic Contacts

Do you want to learn at the Kisumu National Polytechnic? Do you know the institution’s location or contact address? Don’t worry this article is here for you to provide you with the directions, contact details, phone numbers and any other information you may need, feel free to ask through the comments. The institution is a public tertiary college in Kenya, it is located in the lakeside city of Kisumu. By the end of this article, you should be aware of the Kisumu National Polytechnic Contacts, address and phone numbers.

The institution’s contacts are essential not only to students but also to investors and renderers as well. The physical address is important when one needs to visit the institution physically. Those who wish to write letters for instance for employment or even tendering need them addressed to the postal address of Kisumu National Polytechnic. This is why this article is so important to all those who may wish to be in touch with this institution.

Apart from the Kisumu National Polytechnic contacts and phone numbers, the institution also has online social media presence. The institution also has email address for those who prefer online communication. All this information can be found in this article on Nangmak website for free. Additional the student portal for students.

The Kisumu Poly is available on Facebook, X (Twitter) and even Instagram. Believe we share the contact information of the Kisumu National Polytechnic as we have confirmed then. Check them out.

Kisumu National Polytechnic Contacts Details and Phone Numbers

Check out the below details which are contacts information belonging to one Kisumu Polytechnic based in Kisumu County.

The Postal Address

Physical Address: P.O Box 143-40100, Kisumu, Kenya

Phone Numbers and Physical Address

Physical Address: Technology road, Next to Kisumu Stadium
Phone Numbers: +254 723 446 773 or +254 742 809 415
E-mail: info@kisumupoly.ac.ke

Kisumu Polytechnic Social Media and Important Links

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