Home Informations & Contacts KUCCPS Extends Application Further to 4th March 2024

KUCCPS Extends Application Further to 4th March 2024

KUCCPS Extends Applications until 4th March 2024
KUCCPS Extends Applications until 4th March 2024

KUCCPS (Kenya Universities and Colleges Central Placement Service) has further extended the application for courses by candidates set to join this year. The institution has chosen to extend the application further given they had extended it until 26th February 2024. Those who had not applied should not be worried but rush to apply as the institution has extended the application for another 7 days. The application will now be closed on 4th March 2024 after nearly 50% of those who scored C+ and above failed to submit their application.

The most notable issue that has brought about the laxity. The uneven performance of the KUCCPS portal is the introduction of payments through eCitizen. The payment service by eCitizen has to some extent failed to load up the payments page and sometimes payment failed to be receipted.

KUCCPS Payment Issues

The service has also advised students and parents of those applying not to pay twice for the application process. A single payment is enough and in case the payment does not reflect, contact KUCCPS or eCitizen Payment Service (Pesaflow). This way the payment issue will be resolved.

Additionally, make sure you note the payment account number. This is the payment REF that will be used to submit the placement courses.

The New KUCCPS Application Deadline

KUCCPS has not given the deadline for application in their tweet as seen on Twitter (X).

The Ministry of Education gave a new deadline for application and revision of courses through KUCCPS. The Ministry went ahead to call on applicants to submit their courses despite the system having issues.

The candidates should hurry as there’s no possibility of further extension. Candidates for applications should be aware to only apply to universities which they meet qualifications and cluster points.

eCitizen Payment Issues Contacts

In case of payment issues, be sure to submit your request regarding payment through the following channels.

  • Send Email with screenshot of payment to support@ecitizen.go.ke and support@pesaflow.com
  • Pesaflow on Twitter
  • Tel: +254 20 790 3260
  • Website: https://www.pesaflow.com/

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