Home Education Courses List of University of Kabianga Degree Courses

List of University of Kabianga Degree Courses

University of Kabianga Degree Courses

The University of Kabianga offers training in undergraduate degree courses alongside other courses. The institution also trains students in the diploma level under these courses. The university is a public university and relies on self sponsored students applying online or KUCCPS for the government sponsored students. The University also trains at different levels apart from.m degree which include certificate, diploma, masters and PhD as well. Check out the list of University of Kabianga Degree courses.

Our article’s aim is to enable prospective students to make a choice of the institution by knowing the university is offering their course of choice. If you need to learn at Kabianga University and are unsure of the course being present you can use this article to enlighten yourself.

University of Kabianga has over 30 degree course spread across different schools or faculties. The university has 5 schools which include: –

  1. Business and Economics
  2. Heath Sciences
  3. Science and Technology
  4. Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources
  5. Education, Arts and Social Sciences

List of University of Kabianga Degree Courses

The entire list of the degree courses offered at University of Kabianga are as follows. Note that some courses are 3 in one. The case of Bachelor of Science in Zoology, Botany, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry. Have a look at the list and make informed choices.

1 Bachelor of Arts in Economics
2 Bachelor of Arts in Human Rights
3 Bachelor of Arts in Public Administration
4 Bachelor of Business Management
5 Bachelor of Education (Arts)
6 Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood and Primary Education)
7 Bachelor of Education (Science)
8 Bachelor of Education with Guidance & Counseling
9 Bachelor of Hotel and Hospitality Management
10 Bachelor of Science in Agriculture
11 Bachelor of Science (Communication & Public Relations)
12 Bachelor of Science in Actuarial Science
13 Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Economics and Resource Management
14 Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Education and Extension
15 Bachelor of Science in Agriculture
16 Bachelor of Science in Agroforestry and Rural Development
17 Bachelor of Science in Applied Statistics with Computing
18 Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry
19 Bachelor of Science in Clinical Medicine
20 Bachelor of Science in Clinical Medicine (Upgrading)
21 Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
22 Bachelor of Science in Environmental Studies
23 Bachelor of Science in Forestry
24 Bachelor of Science in Horticulture
25 Bachelor of Science in Human Resource Management
26 Bachelor of Science in Information Technology
27 Bachelor of Science in Mathematics, Botany, Physics, Zoology and Chemistry
28 Bachelor of Science in Microbiology
29 Bachelor of Science in Nursing(Upgrading)
30 Bachelor of Science in Public Health
31 Bachelor of Tourism Management

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