Home Education Courses Medical Training Courses Offered at Bandari Maritime Academy

Medical Training Courses Offered at Bandari Maritime Academy

Medical Training Courses Bandari Maritime Academy

Bandari Maritime Academy located in the coastal town of Mombasa was established by Kenya Ports Authority (KPA). The college offers variety of courses on training and among them are some Medical Training courses offered at the Bandari Maritime Academy. These are just some of the courses that the institution offers which are just basic not advanced medical courses.

For some of the courses offered at the Bandari Maritime College be sure to check out this article. You can also check out the contacts of the institution in case you need to contact the academy. The courses are robust and essential, especially in emergencies when medical professionals are not on site.

Medical Training Courses Offered at Bandari Maritime Academy

The medical courses offered at Bandari Maritime College won’t get you employed because of them. However, they are short courses that are relevant in the medical field. There are only two medical courses at Bandari College. The shortest course takes 12 hours while the other one takes 30 hours for training and revalidation is 6hrs and 12hrs respectively.

The courses are: –

No Course Name Duration Revalidation
1 Elementary First Aid Course 12 hours 6 hours
2 Proficiency in Medical First Aid (MFA) 30 hours 12 hours

First Aid training courses are important as it is not hard to come across cases that need your intervention. It can help save a life.

Bandari Maritime College Contacts

In case you need to submit your application to Bandari Maritime Academy, be sure to contact them to give you direction on how to go about it. Meanwhile, the contacts appear as shown below: –

The Director Bandari Maritime Academy
P O Box 99469 – 80107
Tel: + 254 746 795 831,
+ 254 100 404 438
Admissions Enquiries: admissions@bma.ac.ke
General Correspondence: info@bma.ac.ke
Website: https://bma.ac.ke

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