Home Informations & Contacts Model Articles of Association For Company Registration

Model Articles of Association For Company Registration

Model Articles of Association for Companies

Business Registration Service rolled out its registration services online i.e. through BRS portal on eCitizen. Registration of Business Names, Private and Public Company limited by shares or by guarantee and so much more. Registration of Companies required some documents that are important. The documents include the Model Articles of Association for the company being registered. Many opt to use those existing on BRS but again someone might want to develop their own. You can develop these documents on your own using the provided templates and update where necessary. The model articles of association for company registration are public documents that can be accessed by anyone since they are not pegged on specific company.

This article aims and sharing this articles just in case you need to read through the document you or if you need to amend them. Note that model of articles of association is applicable only to companies and not business names. The company types that required them include: –

  • Public Companies Limited by Shares
  • Private Companies Limited by Shares
  • Companies Limited by Guarantee

Model Articles of Association for Companies

Model Articles of Association for Company Registration

The Articles of Association depend on the specific company that is being registered. Any individual intending to register a company and acquire the certificate of incorporation should also be aware of the company they are registering. Majority of the people register the Private Companies limited by Shares i.e. Private Limited Company.

Below are the links to download the Model of Articles of Association of each type of company. Download them, do necessary changes and even include a cover page of your company name.

In case you need additional information about the model articles of association and memorandum, please visit the BRS website for more information.

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