Home Education Colleges & Universities University of Eldoret Contacts, Location and Address

University of Eldoret Contacts, Location and Address

University of Eldoret Contacts

 University of Eldoret is one of the oldest institutions before it was renamed to University of Eldoret by the then President Mwai Kibaki. The University was first established in the year 1946 by the White settlers as a Large Scale Farming Training Centre. The Institution advanced over the ranks and in 1984, it was renamed then Moi Teachers Training College to offers Diploma Science teachers training. In this article, we are sharing information about the University of Eldoret. You will get University of Eldoret contacts, location and address as well.

In August 2010, the University was upgraded to a University college under Moi University. It was renamed to Chepkoilel University which would last until 11th February 2013, when it was chartered to full fledged university and renamed to University of Eldoret (UoE).

The University of Eldoret has a series of contact channels for that can be used for contacting the university. This University can be visited physically, contacted via email or phone numbers availed by the institution.

The University is located in the Uasin Gishu county. It has the Main Campus and a Town Campus located within Eldoret Town. The Main campus is located 9km from Eldoret town along the Eldoret – Ziwa road for those who wish to go there physically.

University of Eldoret Contacts

University of Eldoret Contacts, Location and Address

The University of Eldoret Address

University of Eldoret
P.O Box 1125 – 30100,
located along the Eldoret – Ziwa Road, 9km from Eldoret Town
website: www.uoeld.ac.ke

University of Eldoret Contacts

Vice Chancellor’s Office

Phone Numbers: +254 (0) 788 232 004
+254 (0) 740 354 966
Email Address:   vc@uoeld.ac.ke

Student and Admission Enquiries

Deputy Vice Chancellors (Academic & Student Affairs)
Phone Number:  +254 (0) 774 249 552
Email Address     info@uoeld.ac.ke

The University of Eldoret offers a series of programs from Certificate, Diploma, Bachelors Degree, Masters and PhD programmes. The institution boasts of diverse courses and huge student population of over 14,000 students.

You can apply to study at the institution using the following procedure. The University accommodates both KUCCPS students and self sponsored students.

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