Home Education Fee Structure Uzima University Fee Structure

Uzima University Fee Structure

Download Uzima University Fee Structure

Uzima University is one of the private universities in Kenya. This university has its niche in the health and medical field. But what do you think it will cost you to study at Uzima University? People assume that private universities are expensive but is that the case? In this article, we outline the Uzima University Fee Structure for the current year for all the programmes trained at this university.

Uzima University offers courses clustered into Degree courses, Diploma and Certificate courses. The cheapest one in the certificate category costs Kshs. 65,900 per year being the Certificate in Community Health and development. The most expensive courses offered at Uzima University costs Kshs. 535,700 per year. By the end of training you would spend quite a lot.

The Uzima University Fee Structure has been listed as the total fees payable for each program per year. That means there’s no document for each course as all are listed on the same fee structure. You can download the document from the university website or even from our website – Uzima Fee Structure.

How to Download Uzima University Fee Structure

Knowing the exact figure of the fees to be paid goes a long way into ensuring that you’ve planned well and accordingly for the program. It also allows one to decide the kind of course they can undertake and also find alternative source of funding for the course in the case of student loans, scholarship and bursaries from all levels.

By the end of this article, you will be able to download and print the Fee Structure from the university website and also through our website. The procedure is as outlined below

  • Open the Device Browser
  • In the URL bar, search the Uzima University website or simply click on https://uzimauniversity.ac.ke/
  • At the main menu locate and click on Downloads
  • Locate the Fee Structure link and click on it to download.

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