Home Education Colleges & Universities Amref International University Contacts and Location

Amref International University Contacts and Location

Amref International University Contacts Location
Amref International University

Amref International University is a university established in the year 2017. The institution started as a Pan-African University to offer health sciences. The university is owned by the Amref Health Africa. The Amref International University (AMIU) this year was also listed among the Universities offering KUCCPS courses. This means that also the institution admits government-sponsored students. By the end of this article, you will be aware of the Amref International University Contacts, portals, location etc.

Where do you find Amref University found? Can you easily locate the institution? In this article, we provide the information required to get in touch with the university. With this info, you can be able to contact the university. We will share the exact location, road, and other contact details that will be helpful.

The institution offers training, research, and extension in health sciences. The university offers so many courses from postgraduate, undergraduate, diploma, certificate, and even short courses.

Amref International University Contacts and Location

Below we outlined the contacts, locations and phone numbers of AMIU University. Be sure to note them down in case you need to contact the university. Additionally, you can also visit the institution via the physical address provided below.

AMIU Location and Postal Address

Amref International University
Lang’ata Road, opp Wilson Airport
P.O Box 27691 – 00506,
Nairobi, Kenya

Amref University E-mails

Admissions: amiuadmissions@amref.ac.ke
General Enquiries: enquiry@amref.ac.ke
Short Courses: training@amref.ac.ke

AMIU Phone Numbers

Admissions: +254112352343
General Enquiries: +254741743871
Short Courses: +254(0)2699-3122/3218

University Website

Website: amref.ac.ke
Student Portal: https://students.amref.ac.ke/
Application Portal: https://admissions.amref.ac.ke/

The above contact details are not all that you need to find out about the university. The institution offers a series of courses. We also outline a procedure for how to access the Amref International University student portal. Additionally, you will learn how to apply fr courses at AMIU University.

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