Home Education Fee Structure Download Kabarak University Fee Structure

Download Kabarak University Fee Structure

Kabarak University Fee Structure

Getting placed at Kabarak University isn’t the problem. Can you afford an education at Kabarak University? In this article, we will share a way to confirm the Kabarak University Fee Structure before applying or being informed. We will also share a way on how to access the fee structure and also how to pay the Kabarak Fees.

Kabarak University Fee Structure can be accessed from the University website using the procedure that we will outline below. Those admitted to Kabarak, can download admission letters and also learn how to book hostels.

Students placed at Kabarak University by KUCCPS will be reporting on the 5th – 9th September 2022. Those will have deferred their studies. Also, those who wish to defer due to fee issues can do so using the deferment form.

Download Kabarak University Fee Structure

To download the Kabarak fee details and payment procedure, use the outlined step-by-step guide below.

  • Visit the university website at https://kabarak.ac.ke
  • Wait for the website to load fully and once loaded located the menu item Admissions hover on it and click on Fee Structure & Fee Payment
  • Once the fully loaded, you will be able to get the Kabarak Fee Structures for different departments and also learning modes.
  • Download the Fee Structure of your choice be it for Government Sponsored Students or Online Learning, PhD, self sponsored etc.

How to Pay Kabarak University Fees

To pay the Kabarak University Fee, visit the following banks and deposit the fees in the account listed below. Make sure to include the student registration number while paying.

Branch: Nakuru
Account Name: Kabarak University
Account No: 01109663161
Swift Code: KCBLKENX
Bank Code: 01
Branch Code: 103

Branch: Nakuru
Account Name: Kabarak University
Account No: 0310294445167
Swift Code: EQBLKENA
Bank Code: 68
Branch Code: 031

Branch: Nakuru
Account Name: Kabarak University
Account No: 01129882644500
Swift Code: KCOOKENA
Bank Code: 11
Branch Code: 006

C.  Application and other Charges

For application fees, medical center charges and imprest refunds use the following;

Business number 511480
Enter your Name as the account number.

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