Home News University of Kabianga Contacts, Address and Location

University of Kabianga Contacts, Address and Location

University of Kabianga Contacts

University of Kabianga has been in existence for a period of time. The institution has undergone changes that saw it in 2009 elevated to Kabianga University College a constituent college of Moi University. On 1st March 2013, the university received it’s charter to a fully fledged university changing the name it University of Kabianga. In this article, we aim at sharing the University of Kabianga Contacts, address and location.

The university has several campus spread within Kericho County. The university’s main campus is not located within the CBD of the Kericho County. It is in the Kericho West District in Kabianga. The location for the four campuses is as shown below

Main Campus

University of Kabianga is located in Kabianga Division in Kericho West District. The University is situated in the Kabianga Complex, comprising of the then Kabianga Farmers Training Center, Kabianga High School and Primary School and the Kipsigis County Council Tea Farm.

Town Campus

University of Kabianga,Kericho Town Campus is situated in Kericho Town, along Temple Road, between Huduma Centre and KEWASCO.

Kapkatet Campus

The Kapatet campus is located in Kapkatet town along the Kericho Kisii highway

Sotik Campus

The Sotik campus is located in Sotik town along the Kericho Kisii highway. This is the fourth and last campus of the Kabianga University.

You can visit the locations shared above for each of the campuses of the University of Kabianga.

University of Kabianga Contacts and Address

University of Kabianga
Tel: +254 20 2172665
E-mail: info@kabianga.ac.ke
Monday – Friday: 8.00 – 5.00

The Vice-Chancellor,
University of Kabianga
P. O. Box 2030-20200, Kericho Kenya
Website: www.kabianga.ac.ke
E-mail: vc@kabianga.ac.ke

Public Relations Office
PR E-mail: proffice@kabianga.ac.ke

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