Home Education Courses University of Kabianga Diploma Courses

University of Kabianga Diploma Courses

University of Kabianga Diploma Courses

The University of Kabianga is a public university and the only public university in Kericho County. The institution of higher learning was chartered the same year as University of Eldoret. The university offers training in various courses from certificate, diploma, degree, master’s degree and PhD programs. In this article, our focus today is to let you know the University of Kabianga Diploma courses.

The diploma courses offered at University of Kabianga are few and the institution offers training in around 11 diploma programmes. The diploma courses are for individuals who wish to pursue a certain course at Diploma level and they have the qualifications required. For instance any one who hasn’t managed a C+ in KCSE and does not have any other training would have to do a diploma before advancing. Those with the right Certificate course training can also advance to a diploma as well.

The University of Kabianga employs online course applications. This is mainly done using a form provided by the university. The Kabianga University does not have a specific portal for application. The institution uses a Google form where you fill in the required details and also enter the correct email address and upload required supporting documents.

The University of Kabianga Diploma Courses

If you wish to pursue your higher education in the level of diploma at Kabianga University, the below are the courses to choose from. This article informs you of the courses so you do not apply to non-existent courses at the Kericho-based university. Check out the list of the courses below.

1. Diploma Agroforestry
2. Diploma in Clinical Medicine
3. Diploma in Information Technology
4. Diploma in Computer Science
5. Diploma in Education (Science)
6. Diploma in Devolved Governance
7. Diploma in Early Childhood Development and Primary Education
8. Diploma in Education (Arts)
9. Diploma in Hotel and Restaurant Management
10. Diploma in Human Resource Management
11. Diploma in Business Management

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